Monday, April 28, 2008

Hiwassee River - Reliance, TN

Got a late start on Friday afternoon, and after exploring access north from Turtletown, I drove downstream through the National Forest, crossed the river at Reliance, and made camp in the Big Bend parking area.

The river fished hard all weekend, with three fish hooked and only one to hand for the weekend. I never found the fly of choice and power generation only complicated matters.

Saturday evening, after the last of the anglers headed for home, I backed the Suburban up to the river, opened the tailgate, and made dinner with a truly spectacular view. This was the best campsite of the year by far.

The Hiwassee is an impressive river. The photos at Reliance Fish and Tackle prove it holds some big trout. I headed home following the river along 411 and planned to stick one on another visit. There is enough good water in this historic valley to occupy a serious fisherman for a long time.

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